July 10, 2006

I'm Sick and Tired of Republicans*


In December 2003, I posted The Truth Behind George W. Bush where I explained how dangerous he was. Since then, I've posted The Nazis and the GOP (This is Scary) , Bush's Brainwashed Base and The Republican Party is a Cult. The titles speak for themselves.

So while I shouldn't be surprised at what this administration does and gets away with, it's frightening that they're never challenged, never questioned, and rarely impeded. And despite running the country and the world into the ground, they still have an approval rating in the mid 30s.

What makes it easy for them to steamroll their reckless agenda and avoid responsibility, is their "popularity."

This "popularity" stems from a staunch political base that follows every order, supports every word - no matter how much it stands logic on its head - and attacks the opposition with the temperament of a school yard bully.

This loyal following has its roots dating back to the Cold War when the GOP created an incessant and nasty hatred for the Soviet Union and Communism. "Better dead then red," they'd say.

But when the Soviet Union collapsed, the GOP needed a new enemy for their base to despise. And they found one: "liberals."

It too is an incessant and nasty hatred that is based on nothing except a good brainwashing. Say "liberals are bad...liberals are bad...liberals are bad" every day for over 20 years - just like they did with "Commies" - and the weak-minded will believe it.

The brainwashing has done such a good job, that conservatives have nothing better to do with their lives then either scream insults and moronic talking points at "liberals" - and not care how foolish and ignorant it makes them look - or listen to others scream insults and moronic talking points at "liberals" (next thing you know, they'll be stealing their lunch money).

This is why the ratings for Fox News and conservative talk radio are so high.

Well, I've had it. I'm sick and tired of Republican talking points, lies, spin and manipulation because it's an insult to my intelligence.

I'm sick and tired of Republicans trying to justify the Iraq war by saying we got rid of Saddam Hussein; I'm sick and tired of Republicans spinning this colossal disaster by bragging about a school reopening; I'm sick and tired of Republicans minimizing our casualties by comparing them to WWII casualty rates or to the crime rate in Detroit...

What broke the camels back was Bush's (supposed) indignation about the New York Times story that revealed SWIFT, the "secret" program that tracks international financial transfers in an effort to locate terrorists and their money.

With smoke practically coming out of his ears two weeks ago Bush said, "The disclosure of this program is disgraceful...For people to leak that program and for a newspaper to publish it does great harm to the United States of America....(The disclosure of the program) makes it harder to win this war on terror."

And Dick Cheney weighed with chutzpah of his own: "What I find most disturbing about these stories is that some of the news media take it upon themselves to disclose vital national security programs, thereby making it more difficult for us to prevent future attacks against the American people. That offends me" (well, 20,000 senseless American casualties, so far, and hundreds of thousands of senseless Iraqi casualties, so far, offends me!).

Of course, the only reason why they're going after the "liberal" Times - where Judy Miller promoted the White House lie that Iraq had WMDs in 2002 - is to once again tug on that leash the GOP has tied to the noses of their brainwashed base to make sure they go out and vote this November (what a way to govern, huh?). But it's ironic that conservatives, who come off as such sanctimonious know-it-alls, gobble up this stuff every single time. Do they ever think for themselves?

Obviously not, but that's what a cult is.

...I'm sick and tired of Republicans crowing about 15 year old corroded sarin and mustard gas projectiles as if they're the reason why we invaded Iraq; I'm sick and tired of Republicans bragging about all the Iraqi soldiers that are being trained; I'm sick and tired of Bush telling us we need to "stay the course;" I'm sick and tired of Bush telling us we're making "progress;" I'm sick and tired of Republicans ridiculing Democrats by saying they want to "cut and run"... Bush, Cheney and the Republicans have some nerve acting so incredulous when Bush has been saying all along that they were going after the terrorists' money!

So if Bush told the terrorists (and bragged to the country) that we were going after their money as far back as 2001, what news is the Times actually "breaking?" How can the Times "disclose vital national security programs" when Bush already did...over and over again? How come Bush and Cheney didn't have this conniption fit in 2004 when the Times reported on a similar program? Why does the White House insult the intelligence of their brainwashed base with such illogical spin? Well, that's what cults do. But wait, there's more! The "secret" database that Bush is so annoyed about being revealed, has it's own web site! And you wonder why I've had it with moronic GOP spin. Also (unlike Republicans), terrorists have half a brain. So don't you think they already knew we were trying to listen to them electronically without being told? Don't you think they already knew we'd be going after their money? Of course they did. Which is why their finances went "underground" in 2003, rendering SWIFT practically useless.

So how is this Times story a "breach of national security"? It isn't. Not even close. But that's what a cult will get you to believe. ...I'm sick and tired of Bush and Cheney shooting first (literally) and spinning later; I'm sick and tired of Republicans responding to any and all dissent with immature insults and ridicule; I'm sick and tired of Republicans responding to legitimate opposition with "Democrats hate America (October, 2008 insert: here), hate our troops and love terrorists;" I'm sick and tired of Republicans saying that "Democrats are soft on (fill in the blank)"...

Where the hell is the "liberal" media on this?

Why don't they expose this phony bluster for what it is? Why don't they highlight this blatant contradiction and exponential hypocrisy?

Speaking of which: White House NYT Bashers: Hypocrites Why don't the Democrats use this logic and common sense to make Bush and the Republicans look foolish?

The fact that Republicans can get away with such moronic spin like this, knowing they'll never have to answer for it, proves that 1) the GOP has done a great job intimidating the so called "liberal" media, and 2) the Democrats don't have a clue.

...I'm sick and tired of Republicans comparing the New York Times story's about warrantless wiretapping of Americans, the data mining of phone calls, and the SWIFT financial data base, to running a story during WWII that revealed the military had broken the secret Japanese code; I'm sick and tired of Bush telling us "we don't torture" prisoners, when we do; I'm sick and tired of the deafening silence coming from "pro-life" Republicans in regards to all the daily death and destruction in Iraq...

If Bush and Cheney are so angry about the Times story, then:

1) Where was their anger when they failed to prevent the 9/11 attacks because of "sloppy" intelligence?

Maybe if Bush wasn't so incompetent with the information he was getting in 2001 - and maybe if he gave a hoot - he would have picked up the phone, "demanded specifics" and prevented the attacks!

2) Where's their anger for starting a war in Iraq that was based on information that couldn't have been more wrong?

But the information wasn't wrong! In fact, "the intelligence and facts

In December 2003, I posted The Truth Behind George W. Bush where I explained how dangerous he was. Since then, I've posted The Nazis and the GOP (This is Scary), Bush's Brainwashed Base and The Republican Party is a Cult. The titles speak for themselves.

So while I shouldn't be surprised at what this administration does and gets away with, it's frightening that they're never challenged, never questioned, and rarely impeded. And despite running the country and the world into the ground, they still have an approval rating in the mid 30s.

What makes it easy for them to steamroll their reckless agenda and avoid responsibility, is their "popularity."

This "popularity" stems from a staunch political base that follows every order, supports every word - no matter how much it stands logic on its head - and attacks the opposition with the temperament of a school yard bully.

This loyal following has its roots dating back to the Cold War when the GOP created an incessant and nasty hatred for the Soviet Union and Communism. "Better dead then red," they'd say.

But when the Soviet Union collapsed, the GOP needed a new enemy for their base to despise. And they found one: "liberals."

It too is an incessant and nasty hatred that is based on nothing except a good brainwashing. Say "liberals are bad...liberals are bad...liberals are bad" every day for over 20 years - just like they did with "Commies" - and the weak-minded will believe it.

The brainwashing has done such a good job, that conservatives have nothing better to do with their lives then either scream insults and moronic talking points at "liberals" - and not care how foolish and ignorant it makes them look - or listen to others scream insults and moronic talking points at "liberals" (next thing you know, they'll be stealing their lunch money).

This is why the ratings for Fox News and conservative talk radio are so high.

Well, I've had it. I'm sick and tired of Republican talking points, lies, spin and manipulation because it's an insult to my intelligence.

I'm sick and tired of Republicans trying to justify the Iraq war by saying we got rid of Saddam Hussein; I'm sick and tired of Republicans spinning this colossal disaster by bragging about a school reopening; I'm sick and tired of Republicans minimizing our casualties by comparing them to WWII casualty rates or to the crime rate in Detroit...

What broke the camels back was Bush's (supposed) indignation about the New York Times story that revealed SWIFT, the "secret" program that tracks international financial transfers in an effort to locate terrorists and their money.

With smoke practically coming out of his ears two weeks ago Bush said, "The disclosure of this program is disgraceful...For people to leak that program and for a newspaper to publish it does great harm to the United States of America....(The disclosure of the program) makes it harder to win this war on terror."

And Dick Cheney weighed with chutzpah of his own: "What I find most disturbing about these stories is that some of the news media take it upon themselves to disclose vital national security programs, thereby making it more difficult for us to prevent future attacks against the American people. That offends me" (well, 20,000 senseless American casualties, so far, and hundreds of thousands of senseless Iraqi casualties, so far, offends me!).

Of course, the only reason why they're going after the "liberal" Times - where Judy Miller promoted the White House lie that Iraq had WMDs in 2002 - is to once again tug on that leash the GOP has tied to the noses of their brainwashed base to make sure they go out and vote this November (what a way to govern, huh?). But it's ironic that conservatives, who come off as such sanctimonious know-it-alls, gobble up this stuff every single time. Do they ever think for themselves?

Obviously not, but that's what a cult is.

...I'm sick and tired of Republicans crowing about 15 year old corroded sarin and mustard gas projectiles as if they're the reason why we invaded Iraq; I'm sick and tired of Republicans bragging about all the Iraqi soldiers that are being trained; I'm sick and tired of Bush telling us we need to "stay the course;" I'm sick and tired of Bush telling us we're making "progress;" I'm sick and tired of Republicans ridiculing Democrats by saying they want to "cut and run"... Bush, Cheney and the Republicans have some nerve acting so incredulous when Bush has been saying all along that they were going after the terrorists' money!

So if Bush told the terrorists (and bragged to the country) that we were going after their money as far back as 2001, what news is the Times actually "breaking?" How can the Times "disclose vital national security programs" when Bush already did...over and over again? How come Bush and Cheney didn't have this conniption fit in 2004 when the Times reported on a similar program? Why does the White House insult the intelligence of their brainwashed base with such illogical spin? Well, that's what cults do. But wait, there's more! The "secret" database that Bush is so annoyed about being revealed, has it's own web site! And you wonder why I've had it with moronic GOP spin. Also (unlike Republicans), terrorists have half a brain. So don't you think they already knew we were trying to listen to them electronically without being told? Don't you think they already knew we'd be going after their money? Of course they did. Which is why their finances went "underground" in 2003, rendering SWIFT practically useless.

So how is this Times story a "breach of national security"? It isn't. Not even close. But that's what a cult will get you to believe. ...I'm sick and tired of Bush and Cheney shooting first (literally) and spinning later; I'm sick and tired of Republicans responding to any and all dissent with immature insults and ridicule; I'm sick and tired of Republicans responding to legitimate opposition with "Democrats hate America (October, 2008 insert: here), hate our troops and love terrorists;" I'm sick and tired of Republicans saying that "Democrats are soft on (fill in the blank)"...

Where the hell is the "liberal" media on this?

Why don't they expose this phony bluster for what it is? Why don't they highlight this blatant contradiction and exponential hypocrisy?

Speaking of which: White House NYT Bashers: Hypocrites Why don't the Democrats use this logic and common sense to make Bush and the Republicans look foolish?

The fact that Republicans can get away with such moronic spin like this, knowing they'll never have to answer for it, proves that 1) the GOP has done a great job intimidating the so called "liberal" media, and 2) the Democrats don't have a clue.

...I'm sick and tired of Republicans comparing the New York Times story's about warrantless wiretapping of Americans, the data mining of phone calls, and the SWIFT financial data base, to running a story during WWII that revealed the military had broken the secret Japanese code; I'm sick and tired of Bush telling us "we don't torture" prisoners, when we do; I'm sick and tired of the deafening silence coming from "pro-life" Republicans in regards to all the daily death and destruction in Iraq...

If Bush and Cheney are so angry about the Times story, then:

1) Where was their anger when they failed to prevent the 9/11 attacks because of "sloppy" intelligence?

Maybe if Bush wasn't so incompetent with the information he was getting in 2001 - and maybe if he gave a hoot - he would have picked up the phone, "demanded specifics" and prevented the attacks!

2) Where's their anger for starting a war in Iraq that was based on information that couldn't have been more wrong?

But the information wasn't wrong! In fact, "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy!"

3) If Bush cares so much about the "leaking" of national security issues, then where was his anger when his White House deliberately leaked the name of a secret CIA agent?

If Cheney cares so much about "disclosing vital national security programs" then why did he play a role in it?

If Bush really cares about the "disclosure" of national security information, then why didn't he bring Cheney, Karl Rove and "Scooter" Libby into the Oval Office three years ago and demand to know who "outed" Valerie Plame so he can hold those accountable?

(The leaking of Plame's name is the sort of immature and vindictive behavior we'd expect from a 14 year old girl who wants to get back at one of her classmates for stealing her boyfriend. So this incident couldn't sum up this administration and illustrate their priorities any better.)

July 3, 2007 insert: With Bush commuting Scooter Libby's 30 month prison sentence, he not only needed to divert attention from the hypocrisy of it, but also needed to rile up his base at the same time. So the powerful GOP propaganda machine tried once again to make Valerie Plame and her husband Joe Wilson, both public servants who did their jobs to the best of their abilities, the bad guys as if her "outing" was their (Plame and Wilson's) fault (remember, the Republican Party always needs an enemy). And that just gave the conservative base another opportunity to scream at liberals. Next time the enemy will be someone else.

July 7, 2007 insert: Didn't take long, did it? When Bill Clinton - the rights favorite whipping boy - offered his opinion on the commutation, it was the best gift the White House could have asked for because it gave spokesman Tony Snow the opportunity to slam Clinton. And that allowed the GOP base to continue screaming at liberals which is exactly what Snow's comments were designed to do.

4) If Bush really cares about going after the terrorists' money, then why did he put a stop to it when he took office in 2001?

My god, if arrogance, chutzpah and hypocrisy were dirt, this White House would be the biggest mountain in the world!

...I'm sick and tired of Republicans blaming Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco; I'm sick and tired of Republicans blaming Bill Clinton, Dan Rather, environmentalists, Hollywood, and the so called "liberal" media for everything else; I'm sick and tired of the "party of responsibility" never taking responsibility...

It's obvious that this obstinate, haughty and sanctimonious White House and Republican Party just doesn't care, about anything.

They don't care about terrorism, they don't care about Iraq, they don't care about Afghanistan, they don't care about New Orleans, they don't care about health care, they don't care about Social Security, they don't care about Medicare, they don't care about the budget deficit and national debt, they don't care about political corruption (since they're part of it), and they don't care about rising gas prices.

If they did, they wouldn't be spending every minute of the day lying, spinning, manipulating, attacking, and creating one "enemy of the week" after another, so they can divert attention and absolve themselves of blame for all the mess's they got us into!

Governing? Don't make me laugh.

The next time the GOP unveils a bold policy initiative on energy, the environment, our crumbling infrastructure, health care or anything else, it'll be the first time (the energy bill and Bush's "personal" accounts for Social Security were nothing but payoffs to the oil and financial lobbies, respectively). Heck, they wouldn't even think of it because the Republican Party has absolutely no interest and no intention of governing.

If they did, the country wouldn't be in the sorry shape it's in. And our allies wouldn't hate us.

Republicans and their brainwashed base think "governing" is some sort of argumentative game, where the most ignorant, most duplicitous, most bellicose, most contentious, most obnoxious and most hypocritical Republican "wins."

How pathetic. If I was a Republican, I'd be embarrassed.

The only priority the Republican Party has, is for their powerful propaganda machine to keep pumping out talking points, lies, spin and manipulation to ensure that their brainwashed base remains in a perpetual frenzied state of anger at "liberals."

This way, they're always chomping at the bit, ready for the next batch of "red meat" that comes flying over the White House wall.

...I'm sick and tired of Republicans sticking it to seniors by allowing the pharmaceutical industry to write the prescription drug bill, and then telling them what a great deal it is; I'm sick and tired of Republicans lecturing us about "competition" and "letting the free market decide," but not allow the government to use their clout to negotiate better prices on prescription drugs; I'm sick and tired of Republicans selling out to the oil, coal, gas, timber, banking and insurance industry's; I'm sick and tired of Republicans telling us "they do it too" when just about every politician that's gotten caught up in a campaign finance scandal the last few years is a Republican; I'm sick and tired of Republicans running on God, "morals" and "values"...

The GOP propaganda machine will ridicule and slander anyone who gets in their way. And it certainly doesn't stop with Karl Rove, the RNC and their spin doctors. They have sycophants in the conservative media that are just as vicious, just as deceitful, and just as pugnacious.

Whether it's comparing Sen. Max Cleland, a Vietnam war triple amputee, to Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden in a campaign ad, Michelle Malkin inferring that John Kerry's Vietnam wounds were "self-inflicted," or Ann Coulter insulting 9/11 widows, anyone who has the nerve to challenge a Republican in an election, or anyone that has the audacity to question George Bush, will be vilified because, well, that's what the Republican Party does.

Next thing you know, they'll want to send the editor of the Times to the "gas chamber" for "treason" because he published the SWIFT story.

Oh wait, they already said that.

But Bush should be first in line because he's the one who was telling the world we were going after the terrorists' money! And Cheney, Rove and Libby should be right behind him for "outing" Valerie Plame because if that's not treason, then I don't know what is!

...I'm sick and tired of Republicans exploding the budget deficit and national debt; I'm sick and tired of pompous Republicans calling for selfish tax cuts during wartime; I'm sick and tired of pompous Republicans throwing party's with their selfish tax cuts while our brave soldiers are risking their lives and limbs every single day; I'm sick and tired of Republicans wasting "the People's" time with flag burning and gay marriage Constitutional amendments strictly for political reasons...

Cults brainwash, cults stifle practical and independent thought, and cults manufacture confrontations with "enemy's" to create an "us vs. the world" mentality. Sound familiar?

Inevitably, this leads to such a high level of arrogance and hypocrisy that anything can be justified.

For example, it would have been dead wrong for Iran or Iraq to invade Israel; it would have been wrong for North Korea to invade South Korea; it would have been wrong for China to invade Taiwan; and it would have been wrong for Turkey to attack the Kurds.

But when we invade our "imminent threat" (that wasn't a threat at all) 8,000 miles away, we're "within our rights" to act unilaterally because, well, we're America and we can do whatever we want. And anyone who disagrees, is insulted and ridiculed.

When our "occupying" troops meet resistance from Iraqi "insurgents" and "terrorists," Republicans can't figure out why and get angry (and blame France, Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan; anybody but George Bush). But George Washington and his "rebels" are glorified for attacking their "occupiers" in the 1770s.

Republicans are angered and outraged when American soldiers are tortured, but despite "American values," "American morals," and having such a strong belief in "due process," the "rule of law" and what America stands for that we can and should set an example for the whole world to follow, Bush is illegally detaining, torturing and in some cases killing "enemy combatants" in custody because, well, we're Americans and can do whatever the hell we want.

Only a cult can get you to "reason" like this. Hmm...

"(The war against terror) is the calling of the United States of America, the most free nation in the world. A nation built on fundamental values that rejects hate, rejects violence, rejects murderers, rejects evil." - George Bush

...I'm sick and tired of Republican hypocrisy, arrogance and stupidity; I'm sick and tired of Republicans being impractical, short-sighted, ruthless and irresponsible; I'm sick and tired of Republicans trying to rile up their brainwashed base; I'm sick and tired of Republicans trying to spin and manipulate themselves out of every mess their arrogant, incompetent and mentally ill President got us into; I'm sick and tired of immature and combative conservative "talk radio" rhetoric coming out of the mouths of White House spokesmen.

Words can no longer describe this nasty political "party." And every time I think my level of anger, outrage, and yes hatred I have for George Bush, Dick Cheney and Republican Party has maxed out, they prove me wrong (unlike conservatives, there's a reason for my hatred. It's based on facts, logic and common sense. No one has brainwashed me).

I'm repulsed and disgusted by their arrogance, ignorance, belligerence, indifference and total lack of respect they have for the country and the Constitution.

Not only should Republicans be embarrassed, but America should be embarrassed.

America should be scared too. Because as I've shown, the Republican "Party" is not a political party. They're a cult; a cult that has a lot in common with the Nazis.

I'm serious...and sick and tired of Republicans.

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